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Cláudia Ribas


Cláudia Ribas
© Barbara Aumüller

The Portuguese mezzo-soprano Cláudia Ribas, who just won 1st Prize, the Wagner, audience and Junior-Jury prizes at the 2024 's-Hertogenbosch (IVC) International Vocal Competition, joined the Opera Studio in 2022/23 and made her house debut singing 3rd Lady in Ted Huffmann's new production of Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte. This was followed by Iseut the Fair's Mother in Frank Martin's Le vin herbé, Cornelia and Pipa/Marquise in new productions of Giulio Cesare in Egitto and Offenbach's The Bandits and 3rd Maid in Elektra.  During the 2024/25 season you can hear her singing Armindo in a new production of Handel's Partenope, Nenila in Tchaikovsky's The Sorceress and a servant in a new Riemann's L'invisible. She took private lessons in Portugal before gaining her bachelor at the Conservatoire in Amsterdam and her masters at the Danish Royal Academy of Music. She also took part in masterclasses held by people including Pierre Mak, José de Oliveira Lopes, Joäo Mario Alves, Susanna Rigacci, Cristiano Manzoni, Margreet Honig, Angela Brower, Alexander Oliver, Bejun Mehta, Lenneke Ruiten and Neville Dove and works regularly with conductors including João Paulo Santos, Virgilio Caseiro, Bruno Martins, Artur Pinho Maria, Rodrigo Carvalho and Marco Crispo. She has also sung Mère Jeanne (Dialogues des Carmélites) and Marzelline (Le nozze di Figaro) at the Conservatoire in Amsterdam and Fé-ni-han (Ba-ta-clan) Polinesso (Ariodante) at Royal Danish Opera in Copenhagen. She was awarded a scholarship by the Richard Wagner Verband in Frankfurt in 2024.