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Guest appearance: Oper Frankfurt in Bad Homburg Castle

An evening of music and literature with people involved in the production of henze's opera »the prince of homburg«

Landgraf Friedrich II of Hessen-Homburg's ambitions played out on the battlefields of Europe. Fighting was his life. This man who refused to obey orders entered the world of literature in Kleists 1809/10 play, the »Hero of Fehrbellin«. The composer Hans Werner Henze was drafted into the military in 1944 when he was 18, ending up in a British prisoner of war camp in  1945. An anti-fascist, he thought long and hard about whether he should take his friend Luchino Visconti's advice and turn Kleist's play into an opera. Conductor Takeshi Moriuchi and singers from this new production tackle the theme of war in a mosaic of music and texts linked to Henze's Prince of Homburg.


 here's a flyer with information about other events linked to this!