Ensemble, Guests, Opera Studio & Teams

Sebastian Geyer


Sebastian Geyer
© Barbara Aumüller

This versatile popular member of the ensemble's repertoire at Oper Frankfurt includes Handel's Giulio Cesare, Telemann's Orpheus and Cesti's Creonte (LʼOrontea, get the CD!  OehmsClassics), Mozart's Don Giovanni, Guglielmo, Graf Almaviva and Papageno, Dr. Falke (Die Fledermaus), Basil Basilowitsch (Der Graf von Luxemburg, get the CD!  OehmsClassics), Don Pomponio (Rossini's La gazzetta), Strauss' Graf (Capriccio) and Music Teacher (Ariadne auf Naxos), Janacek's Háraschta (The Cunning Little Vixen)  and Jaroslav Prus (The Makropoulos Case), Eurymaque (Fauré's Pénélope) and roles in three one act operas by Křenek and the world premiere of Lucia Ronchetti's Inferno. During the 2024/25 season you can enjoy his wonderful portrayal of the Lord Mayor again in Rimsky-Korsakov's Christmas Eve  (»Performance of the Year 2022« - get the DVD!) and hear him as Colonel Kottwitz and the Father in new productions of Henze's Prince of Homburg and Reimann's L'invisible. Last season he enjoyed great success in the title role of a new production of Fortner's Don Perlimplín's Love for Belisa in his Garden. Other recent roles have included the Messenger in Oedipus Rex, which he also sang at the Teatro del Maggio Musicale in Florence, the Husband and Peisandros in new productions of Schönberg's Warten auf Heute / Waiting for Tomorrow and Dallapiccola's Ulisse and Aeneas in Dido and Aeneas. Other roles last season were 3rd Shepherd in Daphne, Lorek in Giordano's Fedora, Lord Tristan in Flotow's Martha and Ruggiero in a wonderful new production of Halévy's La Juive. Roles in recent seasons included Hermann Ortel and the Man with a Mule in new productions of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg and Carl Orff's The Clever Woman, Peter (father) in Hänsel und Gretel, Ariodate in Xerxes, Albert in Werther, Rudolf in Schreker's The Elusive Sound (get the CD! OehmsClassics), Hel Helson in Britten's Paul Bunyan, Barone Tito Belcredi in Trojahn's Enrico, Sebastian in Adès The Tempest and Ingo in the world premiere of Herrmann's Der Mieter / The Tenant - commissioned by Oper Frankfurt. He recently sang the title role in Schumann's Szenen aus Goethe's Faust at the Lucerne Festival and Millöcker's Gasparone at the Volksoper in Vienna. He was under contract to Theater Heidelberg before moving to Frankfurt. Other recent guest engagements have included appearances at the Stuttgart and Wiesbaden state operas, the Opéra de Lausanne, Theater Luzern and Schwetzingen's rococo theatre. He teaches singing at the University for Music in Zurich.