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Adrián Ros


Adrián Ros
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Adrián Ros comes from a musical family. He studied classic and contemporary dance at the Conservatori Profesional Municipal de Riba-roja de Túria, the Eva Bertomeu Centro de Danza and the Central School of Ballet. Early on his career he worked freelance with various Spanish companies before moving to Germany where he has danced solo at the Staatstheater in Nürnberg, the Theater Plauen/Zwickau Ballet and Saarland's State Ballet.  He has been working freelance since 2021 on various projects at places including the Tanz(dance)laboratory in Ulm, Theater Trier, Oper Bonn, Taiat Dansa, Estancias Coreográficas, Producciones Bucles, Hojarasca Danza and the B&M Compagnie. He teaches and works as a coach in Spain, Germany and Cape Verde, and is sought-after as a choreographer.